
Finally it has been found…The Oldest Assyrian Record, Number One!

We had became aware of the existence of these very old music “Assyrian records” from an advertisement published in an issue of “The New Assyria” Magazine dated to 1917, and it took me few years before I was lucky enough to locate and purchase copies of the actual music records in 2012. And it immediately become apparent that the three records I purchased were numbered, and that I only had numbers 2, 3 and 4, So we knew obviously there must be a record numbered 1 out-there!

It wasn’t until now in 2024, almost 12 years later that I finally found the missing “number one”, making it the first and oldest Assyrian music record to be officially released to date. After getting contacted by an American record collector and musician who had seen my previous article on these records, and I would like to express my gratitude to Mr Paul Wilkinson for having saved these records for so long in his collection, and for agreeing to sell them to us, so that we could study and preserve them for future generations.


These “Assyrian Records” were produced and sang by an Assyrian married couple in America, the couple originally immigrated from Persia and settled in New Britain, Hartford. And one of their children is documented and his name was Norman Joseph Yonan, born 1920 and was a Lieutenant in the US Army and served in the Pacific during World War II, and passed away in 2013 in Florida.


The records are 78 rpm Shellac, 10″, released in US, each record has two songs, they are sang by Joseph Yonan (born abt 1893) and Anna Yonan (born abt 1897) both born in Persia. The melodies of the songs we believe to be probably Azeri from a famous opera (Arshin Mal Alan), originally produced in 1913, but the lyrics of these music records are in modern Assyrian dialect.




Assyrian Records Track-List:

Record No.1
Track A: Loupla Ah Pand
Track B: Chadrey Breshey Dariane

Record No.2
Track A: Soul’tan Back Shad Vele.
Track B: Moudey eina Dardough

Record No.3
Track A: Bqzeitagh gha Tahar Veley.
Track B: Ah Maraley Aziztey

Record No.4
Track A: Zahmat Grishly.
Track B: Ghoush Ganeymey Back Labela










By: Moneer Cherie.

Habib Mousa and other Assyrian Records in West dialect

Habib Mousa was born in Malikiyeh-Syria on October 9, 1952 and raised in Qamishli where he studied at the Syriac school. He was appointed at the age of ten to be the lead singer of the choir after his voice was recognized by Yousef Shamun. Since his early childhood he liked the church melodies that made him a deacon. Church was his source of inspiration and music.

His professional musical career started in 1968 in Qamishli, he was chosen to be the first singer to sing a Folkloric song in the spoken western Assyrian dialect with his first song “Shamo Mar”.
In 1971 Habib Mousa moved to Beirut to play an important role in spreading the modern Syriac folk songs. In Beirut he met the famed Assyrian composer Nouri Iskandar where together released Five records (singles) in modern western Assyrian. These songs are still popular until now.

In 1977 Habib Mousa left Lebanon and immigrated to Sweden. He continued his musical career by carrying out many recordings and live shows both in Sweden and aboard. 

Habib Mousa is considered a giant of Assyrian music in western dialect, and collaborated in his early records with another giant of Assyrian music, the famed composer and conductor Nouri Iskandar.

Nuri Iskandar is considered one of the most important living Assyrian composers, he was director of the Music Conservatory of Aleppo in Syria. He was born in Deir al-Zur to an Assyrian family originally from Urfa in modern-day Turkey. He studied at the higher institute of music at the University of Cairo Between 1959 and 1964 and graduated with B.A degree in music. Left Syria due to war and now is living in Sweden.




Compiled & written by Moneer Cherie For


Habib Mousa released this single in Lebanon by Flex company in 1971, 1-‘Laymoutho w-Hubo, Lyrics by Amanuel Salamon, Music Nouri Iskander 2-Lebi Kriho-Yo, Lyrics by Danho Dahho, Music by Nuri Iskander.



This single was released in 1971 on Flex label in Lebanon, #7217, with two track 1-O Habibo (lyrics by: Abdelmasih Bisseh) 2-Lo Tehfokh (Lyrics by: Joseph Tazi), Music for both tracks by Nouri Iskander



This single was released by Habib Mousa in Lebanon on Flex in 1972 with two songs, 1-Zabno Tloumo (feat.Nineweh Aho) 2-Shlome Shlome, both Lyrics written by Shabo Bahe and Music by Nouri Iskander.



This record was released by Habib Mousa in 1972 with two songs, 1-Zliqe Frisi, lyrics by Shabo Bahe, music Folk 2-G-Rohmo-No O Habibaydi, Lyrics written by Abdelmasih Bisseh and Music by Nuri Iskander.



This single was released in 1971 by Habib Mousa on Kimaphone label in Syria #7645. came with two songs, 1-Shamo Mar 2-Wardo w Afrem feat.Samira Khouri. both written by Danho Danho and music by Pol Mikhael.



Worthy of mention is this cassette tape released in 1989 containing 11 Assyrian folkloric songs in the Eastern dialect, completed and Mixed in Nineveh Studio in Sweden, accompanied by four musicians in traditional instruments.



Fuad Ramzi released this single in 1971 in Syria, on Ershadphon, produced by Hammo Ofestaqchi, Two songs titled (1) Hema u Haye, (2) Noqusho, bother written by Shabo bahe including music.



Jano Barbar released this record in 1971 in Syria on A.C.A “Qala d Mardutha”, song titles are (1) Talakh Ya Khliti written by Amanouel Salamon (2) Habib At Haye written by Abrohom Lahdo, both music by Nouri Iskander. The song “Habib At Haye” was sung by Jalil Maiilo in 1969 but was distributed as bootleg copy and not on an official record, and as I understand it was sung in a different dialect.



Pol Mikhayel released this record in Syria in 1971 on Kamichly Kimaphone, song titled: Kmisawri L Quli, Lyrics written by Danho Danho, Music by Pol Mikhayel. song was first recorded before the summer of 1971 in Qamishli, and then it’s Reel-to-Reel (Original Track) was taken to Beirut to be pressed. First version of this song was sung by Habib Mousa in the summer of 1968. Pol has sung another five songs but not officially released.



This record was released in 1974, Music by Gabriel Assad, the two song are titled (1) Num Habib sung by Georgette Arslan, written by Yuhanon Dolabani (2) Forahto with, sung by Sonya Melek Aho, written by Fawlos Gabriel. produced on Flex-Liban, in Lebanon. #8146 on Izlaphone label.














I am including this LP (Long Play) record by Nineb A. Lahdo on this post because this is the only LP record released in the Western Assyrian dialect with secular songs that we know, very few LPs have been released in West dialect, another known example is by a female singer named Alice Lahdu, she released her LP in 1979 in USA but included arabic songs. The other LPs have been church records, which I might write about in the future.

1. Azzen Azzen
Lyrics & Music: Dr. Abrohom Lahdo

2. Zabne U Dore (audio included below)
Lyrics: Ninos Aho
Music: Vania David

3. Rhimto d’Leb
Lyrics: Dr. Abrohom Lahdo
Music: Joseph Malki Khuri

4. Tokhu Tokhu Habibe
Lyrics & Music: Joseph Malki Khuri

5. ‘Al I Hubo Na’imto Hat
Lyrics: Yaqub Marawgi
Music: Ninib A Lahdo


Compiled and written by Moneer Cherie

More info available in Volume one book by Abboud Zeitoune’s “Music Pearls of Beth-Nahrin” including biographies, background information and stories.

Early Assyrian Music Records from Iran

Compiled & Written by Moneer Cherie

During the reign of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, or better known as the Shah of Iran, Assyrian music flourished in that country. He was secular, a pro-modernization and pro-secularization. He reigned from 1941 to 1979.

In this presentation I will be showcasing some of the most iconic records released during that period. This is a glimpse into the beautiful music that came out in Iran, we still don’t know what else is out there waiting to be discovered. My information are based on the actual records that I have been able to obtain either as hard copies or as digital copies. All with the help of a small network of friends including Abboud Zeitoune, and the internet.


When it came to researching early Assyrian records in general, the first hurdle we faced was, as Assyrians we don’t have a music archive, a national archive that we can tap into and utilize to learn and expand our knowledge, so we had to build our own collection from Zero, and then begun to understand what is really out there, and what has our pioneer singers and musicians produced. Recorded Assyrian music has now past the 100 years mark, but the search continuous and who knows what old records are still waiting to be discovered.

The records on this page are listed according to the years they were released in, or at least the years we think they were released in, as we have not been able to find any record-Catalogues from Iran which can help us date them more accurately.


This EP record with its original photo-sleeve was released in Iran in 1961 by Lilli Tamraz (standing in the b/w photo on the left of her Shamiram group which she managed), She was the project Manager of this EP too, and she wrote the lyrics of three songs on it, Music was Folkloric. (EP stands for Extended Play), since most records had only two songs, these EPs contained four songs. The fourth song was written & music by Edison. This EP was released on Royal Label, RT-2415, the four songs were titled 1-Go Karmane sung by Shamiran group 2-Aman Amaneh sung by Edison 3-Hury Pary sung by Shamiram group 4-Yemi sung by Edison.


This record was released by Sankhiro Khofri in Iran in 1964, originally released on Royal Label, RT-1464 (the blue), but then re-released on Foroushgah Karoun (the white on right) N#5193, two songs titled: 1-Rozana: Lyrics by Shmuel Benyamin, Music by Asarhaddon  2-Kalu: Lyrics & Music by Asarhaddon Khofri.


Valodiya Ossiboff released this record in 1965, it was released on Foroushgah Karoun label #309,(The first released could have been in USA and later re-released in Iran), it came with two Assyrian songs 1-Nineveh written by William Daniel 2-Mokhepta Diyi, it came in this Assyrian pocket Sleeve (below), with a text caption describing the Ancient Assyrian capital city of Nineveh.


Simon Issa released this single in 1965 on Monogram Label with two songs, #4141, written by Misha Ashourian and Music by Vania David 1-Yimma 2-Qessat D Prashta. No sleeve has been located for this record yet.


Narmella released her only Assyrian single in 1966, it was released on Iran Gram Label (Yellow) IG-168, then it was re-released on another Iran Gram Label but with a different design 61-IG-168 (light blue), her two Assyrian songs were 1-Shara 2-Brata Shaperta, music: Armenian. As for the photo cover, this was one of her many singles in Farsi, this one was released with the Assyrian singer Edmond Ternian (both songs were in Farsi released in 1970). No Sleeve has been located for the Assyrian single record.


First press of this record by Daruis Saatloo could have been in USA in 1966, later re-released on Royal Label RT-1272 in Iran, and it was also re-released as an EP on “Oriental” Label with AR-922 number, which is a serial number I associate with Ahang e Rooz Label. The royal record came with two Assyrian songs both Lyrics & Music by Victor Khodobakhsh; 1-Marya 2-Brated Kokheh, this single was later re-released (for the third time) in US on a Label called “Assyrian Records” in Hollywood California (not showing here).


Shamiran Issaby released this record in 1966 with two Assyrian songs 1-Taliboota Lyrics & Music by Venis 2-Palga d Leleh written by Simon Amirkhas, Music by Misha Ashourian. Shamiran Issaby is the wife of late Nebu Issabey the well know music composer and director from Iran who lived in California, his son is the famous music composer and arranger Tiqlat Issabey. The record was released on IranGram, IG-197 (yellow), then re-released on another IranGram Label with different label design, 61-IG-187, no sleeve has been located for this record, (incl. photo of singer).


This record was released by Simon Issa in 1967 with two songs titled 1-Yale W Bnateh 2-Prashta, Lyrics written by Daniel and Music by Sooren Alexander. Record was released on IranGram Label, 62-IG-836, and no Sleeve has been located for this record yet.


This record was released by Simon Issa in 1968 and it came with a beautiful Photo Sleeve, the two tracks in this record were titled 1-Brata d Turaneh 2-Iman Sahra b Gneta, both written by Misha Ashourian and Music by Vania David. it was released on Eilbera Label, MT-141.


Freidon Bet Oshana released this EP in 1971 with a Royal serial number RT-1984, which means this was probably released on Royal label, this version was sold by Foroushgah Karoun. Record came with three songs 1-Brata d Umta 2-Bakhcha D Wardeh 3-Khigga d Sheshta, All Lyrics written by Albert Iwas, music arranged by Misha Ashourian.


Robert Ibrahimi released this record in 1973 on Royal Label, RT-2689, in Iran with two Assyrian songs titled 1-Rumyateh Qineh 2-Al Ayna. Lyrics by Misha Ashourian Music by Vania David for both songs. This single came with a beautiful photo sleeve.


George Sarvanus released this record in 1973 on S.A.D Label, I don’t have any information about this Label, the record has two songs 1-Ramina 2-Youma Mitrana (Rainy day) Lyrics by Misha Ashourian and Music by Vania David for both songs. And this record came with a beautiful photo sleeve as well.


Robert Ibrahimi and Clara Nassara (later: Shino), released this record in 1974 on Ashur Gram Label, with two duet songs titled 1-Lina d Khamra Lyrics Iramia Sliwa Music by Vania David 2-Brata ta Tlubli, Lyrics by Iramia Sliwa Music by Vania David. This is the original Sleeve showing both sides.


George Maragoluf released this single in 1974 on a Label named (Stereo), N#1601, with two songs titled 1-Youmaneh Khedyeh 2-Marza d Yamatha Lyrics written by Misha Ashourian and Music by Vanida David for both tracks. Both record sides shown here. (incl. photo of singer)



Shlimon Bet Shmuel was forced by the Iraqi regime to leave Iraq, and entered Iran on the hope of immigrating to the west, and while being in Iran he released this single record in 1974 containing the immortal song of Semeleh, written by Dinkha Esha and Music by Shlimon Bet Shmuel, the song commemorate the Genocide committed by the Iraqi Army against the Assyrian civilians living in the Semeleh region of Iraq. This music project was financed by the Assyrian Iranian Federation and released on a privately produced Label. Later a 2nd version of this song was remastered and released in USA.



Simon Issa in 1975 released dual-singles in a foldout pocket-Sleeve, it was released on Royal Label, RT-2474, The four Songs were titled 1-Qasra d Matleh 2-Libba D Yimma 3-Kalo D Dashta (feat.Mariam Amirian) 4-Aywateh Metraneh. All Lyrics were written by Misha Ashourian and Music by Vania David. and came with its original photo Sleeve.


Gewargis (George) Munaphy released this record in 1977 with the participation and assistance of the Assyrian Folkloric group of Ashoor, wih their logo on record as a “Label”. Record came with two songs 1-Bidayen at Bidayet, Lyrics written by Isho, and Music by Vanid David 2-Tera D Yamateh Lyrics written by Misha Ashourian and Music by Vania David.


This Single was released with two songs one sung by Clara Nassara & Robert Ibrahimi, and the other sung by Simon Issa, the record was released in 1975 on “Stereo” label, Number 130, Clara & Robert song is titled 1-Bet Tpaqta written by Misha Ashourian and Music by Vania David. Simon Issa song is titled: Kumra, Lyrics written by Misha Ashourian and Music by Vania David.


I hope you have enjoyed this short Journey into early Assyrian records and songs from Iran, after all music is part of our culture and heritage, and it has to be collected and preserved for us, and for our future generation, hope to see you in my next presentation.


Compiled & Written by Moneer Cherie