Orahim Lazar

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Orahim Lazar (born April 3, 1960), is an Assyrian poet, song writer, album producer, radio programmer, translator, actor and film co director. An Assyrian personality best recognized by Assyrians, for the last two decades as, the song writer of many top hit songs, by several legendary Assyrian singers. Although, primarily known for his national and love poems, Orahim Lazar is also the sole producer of award winning music albums by known Assyrian singers and Co director of Parkhoneeta the upcoming first Assyrian film, produced in Iraq.

Early Years:

Orahim was born and raised in Iraq, Kirkuk, a city that stands on the site of the ancient Assyrian Capital of Arrapha.  Orahim’s love for the Assyrian language and for his nation was ignited by the teachings of His Beatitude Mar Narsai. Later on, in 1979 Orahim wrote his firm poem titled “Mother” in Lebanon.

As a television and radio programmer:

Alongside writing in various Assyrian magazines and newsletters, not limited to Voice Magazine of A.A.C.C. of Turlock in 1991, Orahim Lazar produced countless Assyrian radio and television programs.  In Bet Nahrain Radio and TV program 1982 to 1985 now days known as Assyria sat.  Radio program in Chicago from 1985 to 1990

As a poet:

In 1989 Orahim Lazer released, “Sighs of a Stateless Man”.  An Album produced in Chicago featuring the famous, Sakhly w Khopeah. Orahim’s second Album was in 2007.  Its title, “Divine feelings” captured the hearts of many Assyrians.  It consisted of a double CD of love and National poems, including a booklet.

In 2010 and with the guidance of the celebrated Assyrian poet, Emmanuel Solomon, Orahim Lazar published one of his greatest poetry work.  He wrote Sloota Ashoureta, En Hawenwa, Kzeera D Agha Patrus, Shmael, Sahda Nadan, Mokhabnakh Omtee, Eiket Khasha, Kela D’Gobyalee, and Ya Atran.

In 1998, Orahim Lazar was welcomed by the Assyrian Democratic Movement (ADM) as their guest in his homeland of Iraq. But it was during his second visit in 2003, when he visited Mathwatheh, Dashta D Nineveh, and Zayouna, where ADM is headquartered in Baghdad.  Inspired and touched by the hard work of the Assyrian men and women striving for their rights and protecting their identity, Orahim wrote: "L'Araeyeh Peesheh B'Waleeteh Reesheh" and "ZOWAA" A song by Ms. Linda George and "Dwikh Nawsha D'Zawaa," by Ashur Bet-Sargis.

As a song writer:

Orahim Lazar is the writer of many notable and famous Assyrian songs which took place as top hits in the last three decades. To name a few, Ashur Bet Sargis "Hala Leet", Linda George "Galliya and Athra Litlee" and his personal favorite by Ammanouel Bet Younan "Aywateh" in addition to Dawod Isha, George Chaharabakchi, Lida Lawando, Albert Mansoor, and others.  In 2011, Orahim Lazar wrote seven songs and the co-producer of Emanoel Bet Younan's Dyouta CD.  La Baritlee, written by Orahim in the CD was a top hit. 

As an Assyrian Music Cd producer:

Orahim Lazar solo produced  and wrote all the lyrics of the entire album for Assyrian-Iraqi singer Laith Yousif, titled "Libbe Ouldelakh" earning the #1 song "Libba w/Khouba" in Baghdad Assyrian Festival in 2001, collaborating with Linda George. Then in 2004, Orahim Co-Produced and wrote six songs for Ammanoel Bet Younan's last CD. Again, his songs "Baouta" and "Mouraya" made #1 hits.  

In Parkhoneeta

Orahim Lazar is an Actor, co-director and script Arabic-Assyrian translator of the film Parkhoneeta, The First Assyrian Film produced by Director Frank Gilbert.  Parkhoneeta will be distributed to All Assyrians worldwide after its completion in October 2012.

Orahim Lazar (born April 3, 1960), is an Assyrian poet, song writer, album producer, radio programmer, translator, actor and film co director. An Assyrian personality best recognized by Assyrians, for the last two decades as, the song writer of many top hit songs, by several legendary Assyrian singers. Although, primarily known for his national and love poems, Orahim Lazar is also the sole producer of award winning music albums by known Assyrian singers and Co director of Parkhoneeta the upcoming first Assyrian film, produced in Iraq.

Early Years:

Orahim was born and raised in Iraq, Kirkuk, a city that stands on the site of the ancient Assyrian Capital of Arrapha.  Orahim’s love for the Assyrian language and for his nation was ignited by the teachings of His Beatitude Mar Narsai. Later on, in 1979 Orahim wrote his firm poem titled “Mother” in Lebanon.

As a television and radio programmer:

Alongside writing in various Assyrian magazines and newsletters, not limited to Voice Magazine of A.A.C.C. of Turlock in 1991, Orahim Lazar produced countless Assyrian radio and television programs.  In Bet Nahrain Radio and TV program 1982 to 1985 now days known as Assyria sat.  Radio program in Chicago from 1985 to 1990

As a poet:

In 1989 Orahim Lazer released, “Sighs of a Stateless Man”.  An Album produced in Chicago featuring the famous, Sakhly w Khopeah. Orahim’s second Album was in 2007.  Its title, “Divine feelings” captured the hearts of many Assyrians.  It consisted of a double CD of love and National poems, including a booklet.

In 2010 and with the guidance of the celebrated Assyrian poet, Emmanuel Solomon, Orahim Lazar published one of his greatest poetry work.  He wrote Sloota Ashoureta, En Hawenwa, Kzeera D Agha Patrus, Shmael, Sahda Nadan, Mokhabnakh Omtee, Eiket Khasha, Kela D’Gobyalee, and Ya Atran.

In 1998, Orahim Lazar was welcomed by the Assyrian Democratic Movement (ADM) as their guest in his homeland of Iraq. But it was during his second visit in 2003, when he visited Mathwatheh, Dashta D Nineveh, and Zayouna, where ADM is headquartered in Baghdad.  Inspired and touched by the hard work of the Assyrian men and women striving for their rights and protecting their identity, Orahim wrote: "L'Araeyeh Peesheh B'Waleeteh Reesheh" and "ZOWAA" A song by Ms. Linda George and "Dwikh Nawsha D'Zawaa," by Ashur Bet-Sargis.

As a song writer:

Orahim Lazar is the writer of many notable and famous Assyrian songs which took place as top hits in the last three decades. To name a few, Ashur Bet Sargis "Hala Leet", Linda George "Galliya and Athra Litlee" and his personal favorite by Ammanouel Bet Younan "Aywateh" in addition to Dawod Isha, George Chaharabakchi, Lida Lawando, Albert Mansoor, and others.  In 2011, Orahim Lazar wrote seven songs and the co-producer of Emanoel Bet Younan's Dyouta CD.  La Baritlee, written by Orahim in the CD was a top hit. 

As an Assyrian Music Cd producer:

Orahim Lazar solo produced  and wrote all the lyrics of the entire album for Assyrian-Iraqi singer Laith Yousif, titled "Libbe Ouldelakh" earning the #1 song "Libba w/Khouba" in Baghdad Assyrian Festival in 2001, collaborating with Linda George. Then in 2004, Orahim Co-Produced and wrote six songs for Ammanoel Bet Younan's last CD. Again, his songs "Baouta" and "Mouraya" made #1 hits.  

In Parkhoneeta

Orahim Lazar is an Actor, co-director and script Arabic-Assyrian translator of the film Parkhoneeta, The First Assyrian Film produced by Director Frank Gilbert.  Parkhoneeta will be distributed to All Assyrians worldwide after its completion in October 2012.

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